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Character Research and Collaboration Work

Updated: Jul 19, 2021

Since February this year I've been collaborating with the very talented artist James Annandale on some concept art for a character that I've been developing over the last few years. I am still in the concept and development stage however, things are really coming together and I thought I'd post a taste of where we are at the moment.

March 2021.


A little context first -

The story so far;

Once upon a time over the seven jewelled hills, beyond the seventh wall, in the cottage of

Wait a moment that sounds familiar...

Let's try to be a bit more original, if at all possible??

Briar’s story so far:

Briar, a young girl of about 16 years and the Keeper of the Light, is on a journey from her home in the south by the Dark Wood to the royal city of Blue-Bank, a Province in the north of the Kingdom. The world in which she lives has two suns and only 280 days every year.

Since the death of her mother, 9 full sunrises previous, Briar has been travelling. On this 9th evening she is seduced and lured into a deep sleep by Shadow, the right hand of the Dubh, an evil that threatens to destroy the peace in the land and attacks the people in the space between sleep and dreaming.

It is here that Briar will be found on the abandoned path by a man named Crawford. From here he will take her to the village of Brightside where, after recovering from her attack, she will battle Shadow and use most of her energy source to save Crawford's life before journeying on East through the five "side" villages towards a seacoast.

In the east she will meet Maddox, the Princess of the Garden Palace and Edgar the guardian of the Clear Water Lake near Withering. Edgar, a platypus, who was pre-destined to be Briar's animal companion will travel together with Briar, Crawford, Maddox and her animal companion Meheera, a white winter fox to Blue-Bank.

From Blue-Bank they will discover?? (not sure yet about this part of the story yet)

From Blue-Bank the group will travel forwards, West, and meet Katherine and Egan. Katherine will take Briar under the Immortal Mountain to meet with the fireless dragon who resides underneath. Here Briar will use her magic and a green diamond to restore his fire and flight abilities and in return he will restore her life source.

The four girls will then enter the abandoned castle, find the sleeping Queen and discover what their true destiny is.

Which is to take part in an epic battle with the Dubh in the Dead Wood in order to restore order, security and safety to the Kingdom and live happily ever after or so they believe.

Reference Material:

Briar's look and inspiration -

Kind: Half Royal/Half Witch

Destination: The Blue Bank Province but, is currently in Bright-side (one of the five “side” villages) after being found on the abandoned path by Crawford.

Animal Companion: Edgar (a platanus) the guardian of the Clear Water Lake by the town of Withering in the East. He lives below the palace where Maddox lives. He is the royal jewel and gem collector and assessor.

Weapon: A retractable silver etched Bow Staff. Briar can ignite a flame by using spontaneous combustion. This staff breaths crimson, white fire light, that she controls at will. She draws power from her emotions to generate heat and friction. She is the keeper of the light.

Magical Items: A Phenix Clock/Life Crystal (in the form of a pendant on a chain).

Protector: Crawford, a former place guard.

Distinguishing Marks: A scar; four long white stripes (the claw mark of a wolf) from wrist to knuckle, more than a scratch as this scar intertwines her in an unbreakable bond with its maker. Briar should always wear mittens to hide her scar.

Traits: Briar should always be in boots. She should always be simply dressed but elegant. Brown leather is her best friend. She is physically fit and athletic. She is considered scandalous because she wears trousers. The more people Briar gets to know the more she will change to blend in and fit with the society however, she will never lose her identity or uniqueness.

  1. Travel Outfit Inspiration:

First Draft Concept Art by James Annandale.


June 2021.

Concept Art.

Head Concepts.

Both images by James Annandale.

First set of Feedback.

Overall Assessment:

So around six heads is the right sizing for a character and although it doesn't seem like much it does make a difference to the height of the character.

Actress Reference Images.

Selena Gomez and Winona Ryder came out as the two to focus on for the look of Briar.

Final Reference Board for Briar.

Things to think about going froward:

  1. Be clear on what your intentions are and what details you would like to be more prevalent, to stand out within the final concept.

  2. Have as much detail and reference as you can regarding all areas of your characters life and existence.

  3. Include all information that might be and not be relevant as every detail could lead to something previously unthought of or unrecognised.

  4. Have all the information available and easy to see overall and clearly.

Maddoxs' story so far:

Maddox has always lived at the Place. She had never been beyond its walls; however, she yearns for adventure and any change to see the land she’s been protecting all her life. When the Wind tells her of Briar and the battle, she had with Shadow she can’t help but be intrigued and sees this as her opportunity for escape.

She convinces Meheera and three other trusted palace guards to travel into the hollow to find Briar and Crawford. Once they are found Maddox brings them back to the Palace where she will petition her mother, a Queen Regent, who with her sister in the Blue-bank run the Oligarchy.

Maddox’s will defy her mother by taking a journey to her aunt in the Blue-bank with Briar and Crawford. In Blue-bank they will meet with the ruling sovereign, Egan’s mother and learn that they must continue to the far west.

Once they meet up with Katherine, she will introduce Briar to Norton. Here she will use her magic and a green diamond to restore his fire and flight abilities. In return he will restore her life force.

The girls will then enter the abandoned castle and find the crystal glass coffin with the sleeping Queen. Together they will wake her and discover that they are destined to take part in an epic battle with the Dubh in the Dead Wood in order to restore order and security to the Kingdom.

Reference Material:

Maddox Inspiration Reference Images -

Maddox Reference Images.

Notes for: Maddox.

Age: About 17 years old.

Lives: At the Palace Gardens of Withering on the eastern seacoast above the Clear Water Lake.

Kind: Half Royal/Half Human.

Destination/Purpose: She doesn't have one until she hears about Briar and her quest to Blue-bank.

Animal Companion: Meheera (Artic Fox). Judgmental and opinionated of her choices but, still serves Maddox without question.

Weapon: Maddox is the keeper of the Peace. She draws her power from nature to protect and defend herself when threatened or in need of information. She is a skilled expert in Archery and the Broad Sword.

Magical Items: Life Crystal (in the form of a pendant on a chain).

Protector: None.

Distinguishing Marks: None.

Traits: Maddox is always inappropriately dressed for whatever situation she is in; however, this does not affect her in any way or cause her any problems. She does not wear shoes unless it is required, and she loves to wear a lot of jewellery.

She’s on the lookout for adventure and secrets. She is a good friend of Edgar. She is tall and blonde haired with sea green and grey eyes. Soft features because she’s only lived in a Place and never experienced life. She is in-love with a Place servant which she must keep secret.

Maddox has more of a medieval look to her rather than Briar who has more of a fantasy or adventurer style.

  1. Battle Outfit Inspiration:

I’m not sure if Maddox’s battle outfit should be black but, I like the idea of it being dark, simple and fierce. No gloves just her arm guard.

Shoes: As per Maddox's style very inappropriate and incredibly stylish.

Weapon: Bow and Arrow.

First Draft Concept Art by James Annandale.


Final Reference Board for Maddox.

Katherine’s story so far:

Katherine lives in a small town at the base of the immortal mountain. She is well liked by all the villagers and known to be a healer. She secretly tends to Norton, a fireless and flightless dragon who is the guardian of the abandoned castle. She lives without the knowledge that she is the only child of the King and Queen of the land.

One day returning to the village she meets Egan who has arrived after a long flight and damaged her wing. She heals her and looks after her. Only when she meets Egan will she begin to question her reality and discover the truth.

When Briar and Maddox arrive, she will introduce Briar to Norton so she can replenish her life crystal and restore his fire and flight abilities with one of her spells.

The girls will then enter the abandoned castle and find the glass coffin with the sleeping princess. Together they will wake her and discover that they are destined to take part in an epic battle with the Dubh in the Dead Wood in order to restore order and security to the Kingdom.

Reference Material:

Katherine Inspiration Reference Images -

Katherine Reference Image.

Notes for: Katherine.

Age: About 18 years old and the oldest of the 4.

Lives: in the far West beside the Immortal Mountain and below the abandoned Castle.

Kind: Full Royal.

Destination/Purpose: To kill the Dubh (evil one).

Animal Companion:

Norton (a fireless and flightless dragon) who resides under the immortal mountain where he is the guardian of both Katherine and the Castle. He is a lonely creature and has issues with his health. Most notably his chronic sinusitis makes his life difficult. Katherine brings him natural/holistic medication to help with his breathing problems, but he will not find a cure for his illness until Brair arrives. He hates people and other animals as they tease him about his condition and short tail.

Weapon: The Dragon Dagger.

Magical Items: Life Crystal in the form of a pendant on a chain.

Protector: Norton

Distinguishing Marks: None.


Katherine is the keeper of the People. The healer of illness and taker of pain.

She is the secret and only child of the King (Norton the dragon) and Queen (who lies encased in a crystal coffin with the abandoned castle).

She lives in a small town in the far west and is of moderate wealth. She is well cared for and looked after by the music maker and his wife and believes she has a younger brother named Freddrick whom she calls Freddy.

Everywhere she goes she is liked, loved and respected without realizing why. She can speak to all creatures.

She is very kind, generous and resilient. She is understanding and forgiving.

She believes in her world and has no cause to question it till she meets Egan one day while coming back down the mountain from visiting Norton.

  1. Battle Outfit Inspiration:

Original Reference.

Chosen Battle Dress Example.

Shoes. The Dragon Dagger.

First Draft Concept Art by James Annandale.


Final Reference Board for Katherine.

Egan’s story so far:

Egan has lived a life of privilege in the Blue-bank province far from the dark wood. She’s been in training her whole life to fight an enemy she’s never seen or experienced. She is spoiled, young and impulse. She searches for fights and is actively aggressive. She does not understand what is to come or how it will change her.

When Briar’s mother dies, she becomes even more aggressive and one night flees from the Palace. The same night that Briar is attacked on the abandoned path because of their connection she is injured, her wing is broken, and she falls to the ground in the Far West where she meets Katherine.

The girls will then enter the abandoned castle and find the glass coffin with the sleeping princess. Together they will wake her and discover that they are destined to take part in an epic battle with the Dubh in the Dead Wood in order to restore order and security to the Kingdom.

Reference Material:

Egan's look and inspiration -

Notes for: Egan.

Age: About 15 years old.

Lives: in the Castle in the Blue-bank Province.

Kind: Half Royal/Half Thunderbird.


Animal Companion: Montague (a dormouse). Brave, ambitious and unafraid. Has the qualities of chivalry and the French court.

Weapon: Maddox is the keeper of the Sky. She draws power from forces in the air and has a quick temper. In animal form she is skilled in combat and agile.

Magical Items: X2 Life Crystals (in the form of a pendant on a chain).

Protector: None.

Distinguishing Marks: None.


Egan is selfish and aggressive. Difficult and argumentative. A basic teenager. She is on the verge or transforming into one of her personalities either her “human’ style form or bird form and whichever one she becomes will depend on the choices she makes. For the Dubh to be defeated Egan must remain in her “human” like form but, she is determined to become the animal she loves to be.

Egan is determined to join her three brothers who have already transformed and live with them in the Orange Fallings.

Egan has a military style; she is regimented, and this should reflect in clothing and stance. Think braiding and buttons.

Final Reference Board for Egan.

Final Reference Board for Additional Characters.

More to follow. Watch this space for updates.

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